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Oil painting signed Taogaea

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Oil painting signed Taogaea (E. Powell), 38" x 28", "Mother Earth".

Powell has embarked on an exploration of nature and life, he brings emotion and reason into balance, enhanced by technical virtuosity so that both his understanding and your understanding are expanded. His latest journey has taken him to the Southwest, where the vibrant colors, incredible energy and the history of the Southwest come to life in a style that is uniquely - Eddie Powell. The technique Powell has developed is the natural denouncement of the past few years he has spent in Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and California. He is always in search of “fun ways to look at art,” first exploring, then perfecting methods enabling him to capture hisexperiences within each piece. His unique integration of patterns, colors and textures (some achieved by using organic materials from the land) gives you the quintessence of the Southwest. Powell is Comanche/Welsh and was born in Lubbock, Texas. He received his Masters at Texas Tech University. In the early 60’s he married Johnnie Jo Day. He and his new wife soon relocated to California and started a family. During this time his works through the years have created long lasting and memorable impressions. His collectors include numerous celebrities and his works have been commissioned by corporations, privately owned businesses, restaurants and hotels. TAOGAEA is the name he signed to his earlier works to honor of his children, his son TAO and daughter GAEA. TAO, is an early Chinese philosophy term meaning “Universal Truth” and GAEA, comes from Greek Mythology meaning “Mother Earth”. From his high contrast portraits to mastering Gyotaku (an ancient Japanese technique used to transfer the image directly from an inked fish to fabric or paper), Powell’s creative genius continues to evolve. His extensive travels through the Southwest have lead to his latest Southwestern dimensional approach. This is another exciting quest in a long line of classic, original painting genres. Powell’s Wandering Sticks and leather etchings are just a couple of the extensions of that approach. Powell’s works bring together elements that are unique and different which have been transformed and perfected over his years behind the easel.

Asking price 8000 United States Dollars

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